Report on EPP Savings 2001-02
Chief Executive's Office, Bureaux and Beijing Office
Subvented Organisations
Trading Funds
* Those achieving more than the 3% cumulative savings target by 2001-02 are marked with an asterisk (*).
** Savings as percentage of the recurrent operation expenditure that is subject to EPP in 2001-02.
# Savings as percentage of the operating/extrapolated operating expenditure that is subject to EPP in 2001-02. Extrapolated operating expenditure refers to projected recurrent expenditure for 2001-02 to meet the expected increases/decreases in business volume since 1998-99.
- To advance Government's initiatives for promoting innovation and technology, attracting inward investment and improving services to industry and commerce, the Trade and Industry Bureau was retitled the Commerce and Industry Bureau (CIB) and took over the Business and Services Promotion Unit (BSPU) from the Financial Secretary’s Office, and the trade and industry group of departments was reorganised on 1 July 2000.
- The Constitutional Affairs Bureau has delivered 5% EPP savings in 2000-01.
- Following (1), the new Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC) and Invest Hong Kong were established upon dis-establishment of the former Industry Department. They are deemed to have delivered 4.4% and 5% EPP savings respectively in 2001-02 through the former Industry Department through streamlining of staff structure and operational procedure. ITC aims to deliver the remaining 0.6% EPP savings in 2002-03.
- Following (1), the Trade Department was retitled Trade and Industry Department and took over from the former Industry Department functions relating to the general support for the industrial sector and small and medium enterprises.
- As the Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute Company Limited, a company which was formed to take forward the detailed planning for development of the Applied Science and Technology Research Institute, was only established in January 2000, it is deemed to have fulfilled the 1% savings requirement in 2000-01. The Institute aims to achieve the remaining 4% EPP savings from 2001-02 onwards.
- The Office of The Ombudsman will be de-linked from the Government and operate on a subvented basis from 2001-02.
- Skills Centres have delivered 5% EPP savings in 2000-01.
- Savings under other subvented organisations are summarised (excluding those subsumed under the responsible bureaux and departments).