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Report on EPP Savings 2002-03

Chief Executive's Office, Bureaux and Beijing Office

  EPP Savings in 2002-03Cumulative Savings up to 2002-03
($ million)(%)**(%)
Chief Executive's Office* - - 5.2
Beijing Office* 1.10 1.8 6.7
Civil Service Bureau 3.82 2.0 5.0
Civil Service Bureau --General Expenses of the Civil Service 3.93 2.0 5.0
Commerce and Industry Bureau 1.99 2.0 5.0
Constitutional Affairs Bureau  - - 5.0
Economic Services Bureau  1.47 2.0 5.0
Education and Manpower Bureau  1.94 2.0 5.0
Environment and Food Bureau 0.82 1.3 5.0
Finance Bureau 2.26 1.8 5.4
Financial Services Bureau  2.92 2.0 5.0
Health and Welfare Bureau  1.54 2.0 5.0
Hong Kong Economic and Trade Offices 5.56 2.0 5.0
Home Affairs Bureau  2.86 2.0 5.0
Housing Bureau* 1.03 2.3 5.2
Information Technology and Broadcasting Bureau   1.51 2.0 5.0
Innovation and Technology Commission  0.90 0.6 5.0
Offices of the Chief Secretary for Administration and the Financial Secretary 3.76 1.3 5.0
Planning and Lands Bureau and Works Bureau 5.57 2.0 5.0
Security Bureau 2.44 2.0 5.0
Transport Bureau 1.46 2.0 5.0
Sub-total 46.88    


  EPP Savings in 2002-03Cumulative Savings up to 2002-03
($ million)(%)**(%)
Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department* 0.60 0.1 5.1
Architectural Services Department 26.48 1.7 5.0
Audit Commission  2.22 1.7 5.0
Auxiliary Medical Service  1.30 2.0 5.0
Buildings Department  10.49 2.0 5.0
Census and Statistics Department* 7.38 1.4 5.9
Civil Aid Service  1.61 2.0 5.0
Civil Aviation Department  3.36 0.5 5.0
Civil Engineering Department  9.35 1.1 5.0
Civil Service Training and Development Institute 1.61 1.0 5.0
Correctional Services Department  54.44 2.0 5.0
Customs and Excise Department  39.04 2.0 5.0
Department of Health  70.21 2.0 5.0
Department of Justice  16.23 1.9 5.0
Drainage Services Department  26.13 1.6 5.0
Education Department  - - 5.0
Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (other than those divisions operated as Trading Fund)  4.24 2.0 5.0
Environmental Protection Department  12.28 1.4 5.0
Fire Services Department  60.67 2.0 5.0
Food and Environmental Hygiene Department  52.00 1.2 5.0
Government Flying Service  3.39 2.1 5.0
Government Laboratory  4.47 2.0 5.0
Government Land Transport Agency* - - 10.4
Government Property Agency 0.81 0.1 5.1
Government Supplies Department* 1.99 1.3 6.3
Highways Department  - - 5.0
Home Affairs Department  17.91 2.0 5.0
Hong Kong Observatory  4.74 2.0 5.0
Hong Kong Police Force  259.78 2.0 5.0
Housing Department* 10.14 2.0 5.1
Immigration Department  44.87 2.0 5.0
Independent Commission Against Corruption  14.45 2.0 5.0
Independent Police Complaints Council 0.23 1.6 5.0
Information Services Department  7.28 2.0 5.0
Information Technology Services Department 14.20 2.0 5.0
Inland Revenue Department  25.11 2.0 5.0
Intellectual Property Department  1.72 2.0 5.0
Invest Hong Kong - - 5.0
Joint Secretariat for the Advisory Bodies on Civil Service and Judicial Salaries and Conditions of Service(Note 1)  0.13 0.8 5.0
Judiciary 19.94 2.0 5.0
Labour Department  15.66 2.0 5.0
Lands Department   29.15 2.0 5.0
Legal Aid Department  5.00 2.0 5.0
Leisure and Cultural Services Department 105.24 2.0 5.1
Management Services Agency   1.17 2.0 5.0
Marine Department* 18.45 1.8 5.4
Official Languages Agency  2.31 2.0 5.0
Official Receiver's Office   2.78 2.0 5.0
Planning Department  12.84 3.0 5.0
Printing Department*   5.00 2.0 5.5
Public Service Commission  0.39 1.7 5.0
Radio Television Hong Kong 10.53 2.0 5.0
Rating and Valuation Department* - - 5.1
Registration and Electoral Office - - 5.0
Social Welfare Department  163.01 2.1 5.0
Student Financial Assistance Agency  1.77 2.0 5.0
Television and Entertainment Licensing Authority 1.75 2.0 5.0
Territory Development Department  4.48 2.0 5.0
Trade and Industry Department 0.86 0.3 5.6
Transport Department  16.63 2.0 5.0
Treasury* 9.14 2.6 7.8
University Grants Committee  - - 5.0
Water Supplies Department* 69.48 2.3 6.5
Sub-total 1,306.44    

Subvented Organisations

  EPP Savings in 2002-03Cumulative Savings up to 2002-03
($ million)(%)**(%)
Legislative Council Commission  5.02 2.0 5.0
Consumer Council  1.33 2.0 5.0
Duty Lawyer Service  2.28 2.0 5.0
Equal Opportunities Commission  1.77 2.0 5.0
Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts  3.73 2.0 5.0
Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute  1.94 2.0 5.0
Hong Kong Arts Development Council  2.28 2.0 5.0
Hong Kong Productivity Council  3.78 2.0 5.0
Hong Kong Sports Development Board  4.09 2.0 5.0
Hong Kong Tourism Board  10.87 2.0 5.0
Hospital Authority   600.42 2.0 5.0
Office of The Ombudsman  1.41 2.1 5.0
Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data   0.78 2.0 5.0
Skills Centres - - 5.0
Vocational Training Council  41.63 2.0 5.0
Other subvented organisations (Note 2)  1.54 2.0 5.0
Sub-total 682.87    
Grand Total : 2,036.19    

Trading Funds

  EPP Savings in 2002-03Cumulative Savings up to 2002-03
($ million)(%)#(%)
Companies Registry Trading Fund 0.15 0.1 9.2
Electrical and Mechanical Services Trading Fund 25.16 0.8 14.9
Land Registry Trading Fund 0.85 0.3 12.1
Office of the Telecommunications Authority Trading Fund 0.98 0.4 5.0
Post Office Trading Fund 7.19 0.2 5.9
Sub-total 34.33    
Housing Authority 196.70 2.1 7.6
Total 231.03    

* The savings achieved by individual bureaux, departments and agencies are listed below. Those more than the 5% cumulative savings target are marked with an asterisk (*).

** Savings as percentage of the recurrent baseline expenditure that is subject to EPP in 2002-03.

# Savings as percentage of the operating/extrapolated operating expenditure that is subject to EPP in 2002-03. Extrapolated operating expenditure refers to projected recurrent expenditure for 2002-03 to meet the expected increases/decreases in business volume since 1998-99.

Notes :

  1. With effect from 1 December 2001, the former secretariats of the Standing Commission on Civil Service Salaries and Conditions of Service and the Standing Committee on Disciplined Services Salaries and Conditions of Service have been amalgamated to form the Joint Secretariat for the Advisory Bodies on Civil Service and Judicial Salaries and Conditions of Service. The EPP savings figures under this item represent those in respect of the Standing Commission on Civil Service Salaries and Conditions of Service. The Standing Committee on Disciplined Services Salaries and Conditions of Service has already achieved its 5% EPP target in 2001-02.
  2. Savings under other subvented organisations are summarised (excluding those subsumed under the responsible bureaux and departments).