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Report on EPP Savings 2002-03

Chief Executive's Office, Bureaux and Beijing Office

  EPP Savings in 2002-03Cumulative Savings up to 2002-03
($ million)(%)**(%)
This link will open in a new windowChief Executive's OfficePDF file* - - 5.2
This link will open in a new windowBeijing OfficePDF file* 1.10 1.8 6.7
This link will open in a new windowCivil Service BureauPDF file 3.82 2.0 5.0
This link will open in a new windowCivil Service Bureau --General Expenses of the Civil ServicePDF file 3.93 2.0 5.0
This link will open in a new windowCommerce and Industry BureauPDF file 1.99 2.0 5.0
This link will open in a new windowConstitutional Affairs BureauPDF file  - - 5.0
This link will open in a new windowEconomic Services BureauPDF file  1.47 2.0 5.0
This link will open in a new windowEducation and Manpower BureauPDF file  1.94 2.0 5.0
This link will open in a new windowEnvironment and Food BureauPDF file 0.82 1.3 5.0
This link will open in a new windowFinance BureauPDF file 2.26 1.8 5.4
This link will open in a new windowFinancial Services BureauPDF file  2.92 2.0 5.0
This link will open in a new windowHealth and Welfare BureauPDF file  1.54 2.0 5.0
This link will open in a new windowHong Kong Economic and Trade OfficesPDF file 5.56 2.0 5.0
This link will open in a new windowHome Affairs BureauPDF file  2.86 2.0 5.0
This link will open in a new windowHousing BureauPDF file* 1.03 2.3 5.2
This link will open in a new windowInformation Technology and Broadcasting BureauPDF file   1.51 2.0 5.0
This link will open in a new windowInnovation and Technology CommissionPDF file  0.90 0.6 5.0
This link will open in a new windowOffices of the Chief Secretary for Administration and the Financial SecretaryPDF file 3.76 1.3 5.0
This link will open in a new windowPlanning and Lands Bureau and Works BureauPDF file 5.57 2.0 5.0
This link will open in a new windowSecurity BureauPDF file 2.44 2.0 5.0
This link will open in a new windowTransport BureauPDF file 1.46 2.0 5.0
Sub-total 46.88    


  EPP Savings in 2002-03Cumulative Savings up to 2002-03
($ million)(%)**(%)
This link will open in a new windowAgriculture, Fisheries and Conservation DepartmentPDF file* 0.60 0.1 5.1
This link will open in a new windowArchitectural Services DepartmentPDF file 26.48 1.7 5.0
This link will open in a new windowAudit CommissionPDF file  2.22 1.7 5.0
This link will open in a new windowAuxiliary Medical ServicePDF file  1.30 2.0 5.0
This link will open in a new windowBuildings DepartmentPDF file  10.49 2.0 5.0
This link will open in a new windowCensus and Statistics DepartmentPDF file* 7.38 1.4 5.9
This link will open in a new windowCivil Aid ServicePDF file  1.61 2.0 5.0
This link will open in a new windowCivil Aviation DepartmentPDF file  3.36 0.5 5.0
This link will open in a new windowCivil Engineering DepartmentPDF file  9.35 1.1 5.0
This link will open in a new windowCivil Service Training and Development InstitutePDF file 1.61 1.0 5.0
This link will open in a new windowCorrectional Services DepartmentPDF file  54.44 2.0 5.0
This link will open in a new windowCustoms and Excise DepartmentPDF file  39.04 2.0 5.0
This link will open in a new windowDepartment of HealthPDF file  70.21 2.0 5.0
This link will open in a new windowDepartment of JusticePDF file  16.23 1.9 5.0
This link will open in a new windowDrainage Services DepartmentPDF file  26.13 1.6 5.0
This link will open in a new windowEducation DepartmentPDF file  - - 5.0
This link will open in a new windowElectrical and Mechanical Services Department (other than those divisions operated as Trading Fund)PDF file  4.24 2.0 5.0
This link will open in a new windowEnvironmental Protection DepartmentPDF file  12.28 1.4 5.0
This link will open in a new windowFire Services DepartmentPDF file  60.67 2.0 5.0
This link will open in a new windowFood and Environmental Hygiene DepartmentPDF file  52.00 1.2 5.0
This link will open in a new windowGovernment Flying ServicePDF file  3.39 2.1 5.0
This link will open in a new windowGovernment LaboratoryPDF file  4.47 2.0 5.0
This link will open in a new windowGovernment Land Transport AgencyPDF file* - - 10.4
This link will open in a new windowGovernment Property AgencyPDF file 0.81 0.1 5.1
This link will open in a new windowGovernment Supplies DepartmentPDF file* 1.99 1.3 6.3
This link will open in a new windowHighways DepartmentPDF file  - - 5.0
This link will open in a new windowHome Affairs DepartmentPDF file  17.91 2.0 5.0
This link will open in a new windowHong Kong ObservatoryPDF file  4.74 2.0 5.0
This link will open in a new windowHong Kong Police ForcePDF file  259.78 2.0 5.0
This link will open in a new windowHousing DepartmentPDF file* 10.14 2.0 5.1
This link will open in a new windowImmigration DepartmentPDF file  44.87 2.0 5.0
This link will open in a new windowIndependent Commission Against CorruptionPDF file  14.45 2.0 5.0
This link will open in a new windowIndependent Police Complaints CouncilPDF file 0.23 1.6 5.0
This link will open in a new windowInformation Services DepartmentPDF file  7.28 2.0 5.0
This link will open in a new windowInformation Technology Services DepartmentPDF file 14.20 2.0 5.0
This link will open in a new windowInland Revenue DepartmentPDF file  25.11 2.0 5.0
This link will open in a new windowIntellectual Property DepartmentPDF file  1.72 2.0 5.0
This link will open in a new windowInvest Hong KongPDF file - - 5.0
This link will open in a new windowJoint Secretariat for the Advisory Bodies on Civil Service and Judicial Salaries and Conditions of ServicePDF file(Note 1)  0.13 0.8 5.0
This link will open in a new windowJudiciaryPDF file 19.94 2.0 5.0
This link will open in a new windowLabour DepartmentPDF file  15.66 2.0 5.0
This link will open in a new windowLands DepartmentPDF file   29.15 2.0 5.0
This link will open in a new windowLegal Aid DepartmentPDF file  5.00 2.0 5.0
This link will open in a new windowLeisure and Cultural Services DepartmentPDF file 105.24 2.0 5.1
This link will open in a new windowManagement Services Agency PDF file  1.17 2.0 5.0
This link will open in a new windowMarine DepartmentPDF file* 18.45 1.8 5.4
This link will open in a new windowOfficial Languages AgencyPDF file  2.31 2.0 5.0
This link will open in a new windowOfficial Receiver's OfficePDF file   2.78 2.0 5.0
This link will open in a new windowPlanning DepartmentPDF file  12.84 3.0 5.0
This link will open in a new windowPrinting DepartmentPDF file*   5.00 2.0 5.5
This link will open in a new windowPublic Service CommissionPDF file  0.39 1.7 5.0
This link will open in a new windowRadio Television Hong KongPDF file 10.53 2.0 5.0
This link will open in a new windowRating and Valuation DepartmentPDF file* - - 5.1
This link will open in a new windowRegistration and Electoral OfficePDF file - - 5.0
This link will open in a new windowSocial Welfare DepartmentPDF file  163.01 2.1 5.0
This link will open in a new windowStudent Financial Assistance AgencyPDF file  1.77 2.0 5.0
This link will open in a new windowTelevision and Entertainment Licensing AuthorityPDF file 1.75 2.0 5.0
This link will open in a new windowTerritory Development DepartmentPDF file  4.48 2.0 5.0
This link will open in a new windowTrade and Industry DepartmentPDF file 0.86 0.3 5.6
This link will open in a new windowTransport DepartmentPDF file  16.63 2.0 5.0
This link will open in a new windowTreasuryPDF file* 9.14 2.6 7.8
This link will open in a new windowUniversity Grants CommitteePDF file  - - 5.0
This link will open in a new windowWater Supplies DepartmentPDF file* 69.48 2.3 6.5
Sub-total 1,306.44    

Subvented Organisations

Trading Funds

* The savings achieved by individual bureaux, departments and agencies are listed below. Those more than the 5% cumulative savings target are marked with an asterisk (*).

** Savings as percentage of the recurrent baseline expenditure that is subject to EPP in 2002-03.

# Savings as percentage of the operating/extrapolated operating expenditure that is subject to EPP in 2002-03. Extrapolated operating expenditure refers to projected recurrent expenditure for 2002-03 to meet the expected increases/decreases in business volume since 1998-99.

Notes :

  1. With effect from 1 December 2001, the former secretariats of the Standing Commission on Civil Service Salaries and Conditions of Service and the Standing Committee on Disciplined Services Salaries and Conditions of Service have been amalgamated to form the Joint Secretariat for the Advisory Bodies on Civil Service and Judicial Salaries and Conditions of Service. The EPP savings figures under this item represent those in respect of the Standing Commission on Civil Service Salaries and Conditions of Service. The Standing Committee on Disciplined Services Salaries and Conditions of Service has already achieved its 5% EPP target in 2001-02.
  2. Savings under other subvented organisations are summarised (excluding those subsumed under the responsible bureaux and departments).