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Report on EPP Savings 2000-01


  Amount of EPP Savings
in 2000-01(Note 1)
As Percentage of Total
Recurrent Operating
Expenditure subject to
EPP in 2000-01
($ million)(%)
This link will open in a new windowChief Executive's OfficePDF file 1.10 2.0
This link will open in a new windowBeijing OfficePDF file   1.77 3.0
This link will open in a new windowCivil Service BureauPDF file  1.89 1.0
This link will open in a new windowCivil Service Bureau --General Expenses of the Civil ServicePDF file  1.96 1.3
This link will open in a new windowConstitutional Affairs BureauPDF file  2.01 5.0
This link will open in a new windowEconomic Services BureauPDF file  0.63 1.0
This link will open in a new windowEducation and Manpower BureauPDF file 0.94 1.0
This link will open in a new windowEnvironment and Food BureauPDF file Note 2  
This link will open in a new windowFinance BureauPDF file  2.00 1.7
This link will open in a new windowFinancial Services BureauPDF file  1.40 1.0
This link will open in a new windowHealth and Welfare BureauPDF file  0.78 1.0
This link will open in a new windowHome Affairs BureauPDF file  1.34 1.0
This link will open in a new windowHousing BureauPDF file  0.83 2.0
This link will open in a new windowInformation Technology and Broadcasting BureauPDF file   1.09 1.0
This link will open in a new windowOffices of the Chief Secretary for Administration and the Financial Secretary PDF file 3.07 1.0
This link will open in a new windowPlanning and Lands Bureau and Works BureauPDF file 2.78 1.0
This link will open in a new windowSecurity BureauPDF file  1.16 1.0
This link will open in a new windowTrade and Industry BureauPDF file  0.84 1.1
This link will open in a new windowTrade and Industry Bureau -- Overseas OfficesPDF file 2.61 1.1
This link will open in a new windowTransport BureauPDF file  0.72 1.0
Sub-total 28.92  


  Amount of EPP Savings
in  2000-01 (Note 1)
As Percentage of Total
Recurrent Operating
Expenditure subject to
EPP in 2000-01
($ million)(%)
This link will open in a new windowAgriculture, Fisheries and Conservation DepartmentPDF file 13.11 1.9
This link will open in a new windowArchitectural Services DepartmentPDF file 21.15 1.4
This link will open in a new windowAudit CommissionPDF file  1.30 1.0
This link will open in a new windowAuxiliary Medical ServicePDF file  0.64 1.0
This link will open in a new windowBuildings DepartmentPDF file  4.91 1.0
This link will open in a new windowCensus and Statistics Department PDF file 6.41 1.0
This link will open in a new windowCivil Aid ServicePDF file  0.77 1.0
This link will open in a new windowCivil Aviation DepartmentPDF file  15.27 3.0
This link will open in a new windowCivil Engineering DepartmentPDF file  15.34 1.8
This link will open in a new windowCivil Service Training and Development InstitutePDF file 3.17 2.0
This link will open in a new windowCorrectional Services DepartmentPDF file 25.82 1.0
This link will open in a new windowCustoms and Excise DepartmentPDF file 17.86 1.0
This link will open in a new windowDepartment of HealthPDF file  36.72 1.1
This link will open in a new windowDepartment of JusticePDF file  8.69 1.1
This link will open in a new windowDrainage Services DepartmentPDF file  14.98 1.0
This link will open in a new windowEducation DepartmentPDF file  28.89 1.6
This link will open in a new windowElectrical and Mechanical Services Department (other than those divisions operated as Trading Fund)PDF file  1.97 1.0
This link will open in a new windowEnvironmental Protection DepartmentPDF file  15.12 1.8
This link will open in a new windowFire Services DepartmentPDF file  28.61 1.0
This link will open in a new windowFood and Environmental Hygiene DepartmentPDF file  Note 2  
This link will open in a new windowGovernment Flying ServicePDF file  3.01 2.0
This link will open in a new windowGovernment LaboratoryPDF file  2.86 1.3
This link will open in a new windowGovernment Land Transport AgencyPDF file  2.58 4.3
This link will open in a new windowGovernment Property AgencyPDF file  42.56 2.0
This link will open in a new windowGovernment Supplies DepartmentPDF file  1.70 1.0
This link will open in a new windowHighways DepartmentPDF file  18.31 1.0
This link will open in a new windowHome Affairs DepartmentPDF file  8.96 1.0
This link will open in a new windowHong Kong ObservatoryPDF file  3.27 1.5
This link will open in a new windowHong Kong Police ForcePDF file  123.49 1.0
This link will open in a new windowHousing DepartmentPDF file  11.10 2.2
This link will open in a new windowImmigration DepartmentPDF file  21.49 1.0
This link will open in a new windowIndependent Commission Against CorruptionPDF file  6.86 1.0
This link will open in a new windowIndependent Police Complaints CouncilPDF file  0.14 1.0
This link will open in a new windowIndustry DepartmentPDF file  3.49 2.3
This link will open in a new windowInformation Services DepartmentPDF file  3.67 1.0
This link will open in a new windowInformation Technology Services DepartmentPDF file  6.69 1.0
This link will open in a new windowInland Revenue DepartmentPDF file  11.84 1.0
This link will open in a new windowIntellectual Property DepartmentPDF file  0.81 1.0
This link will open in a new windowJudiciaryPDF file  9.45 1.0
This link will open in a new windowLabour DepartmentPDF file  7.52 1.0
This link will open in a new windowLands DepartmentPDF file   16.01 1.0
This link will open in a new windowLegal Aid DepartmentPDF file  2.61 1.1
This link will open in a new windowLeisure and Cultural Services Department  PDF file  Note 2  
This link will open in a new windowManagement Services Agency PDF file  0.55 1.0
This link will open in a new windowMarine DepartmentPDF file  30.52 3.2
This link will open in a new windowOffice of The OmbudsmanPDF file  0.76 1.2
This link will open in a new windowOfficial Languages AgencyPDF file  1.11 1.0
This link will open in a new windowOfficial Receiver's OfficePDF file   1.38 1.0
This link will open in a new windowPlanning DepartmentPDF file  4.03 1.0
This link will open in a new windowPrinting DepartmentPDF file   4.74 1.9
This link will open in a new windowPublic Service CommissionPDF file  0.20 1.0
This link will open in a new windowRadio Television Hong KongPDF file  4.57 1.1
This link will open in a new windowRating and Valuation DepartmentPDF file  8.91 2.3
This link will open in a new windowRegistration and Electoral OfficePDF file  2.81 4.8
This link will open in a new windowSocial Welfare DepartmentPDF file  79.70 1.0
This link will open in a new windowStanding Commission on Civil Service Salaries and Conditions of ServicePDF file  0.47 3.2
This link will open in a new windowStanding Committee on Disciplined Services Salaries and Condition of ServicePDF file  0.07 1.0
This link will open in a new windowStudent Financial Assistance AgencyPDF file  0.83 1.0
This link will open in a new windowTelevision and Entertainment Licensing AuthorityPDF file   0.84 1.0
This link will open in a new windowTerritory Development DepartmentPDF file  2.21 1.0
This link will open in a new windowTrade DepartmentPDF file  11.93 4.1
This link will open in a new windowTransport DepartmentPDF file  9.07 1.1
This link will open in a new windowTreasuryPDF file  16.86 5.1
This link will open in a new windowUniversity Grants CommitteePDF file  2.30 4.9
This link will open in a new windowWater Supplies DepartmentPDF file  30.38 1.0
Sub-total 783.39  

Subvented Organisations

Trading Funds


  1. Where the bureaux, departments and subvented organisations have started to deliver savings in 1999-2000, the amount reflects the cumulative savings achieved.
  2. The new Environment and Food Bureau, Food and Environmental Hygiene Department and Leisure and Cultural Services Department established on 1 January 2000 are deemed to have fulfilled the 1% requirement in 2000-01 through considerable savings delivered upon the reorganisation of municipal services. They are required to achieve a cumulative 5% EPP savings by 2002-03.
  3. Some of the savings of other subvented organisations are summarised here whilst others are subsumed under the responsible bureaux and departments.