EPP is an endeavour to enhance the productivity of the public sector. It is not a programme to cut spending. It enables delivery of more and better services with fewer resources. All savings are re-invested in services that are in line with the community's priorities. It is producing lasting results.
We pledge to reduce operating expenditure by 5% by 2002-03 and are making good progress : 1.2% in 2000-01 and another 2.1% in 2001-02. We will achieve the cumulative 5% target on time. We will continue to drive for greater public sector productivity, and live up to the public's expectation of sustained improvement in the delivery of public services.
We invite the public to monitor our performance in implementing EPP. Apart from this booklet, all Controlling Officers have provided performance targets and indicators in their Controlling Officers’ Reports in the 2001-02 Estimates.
We invite interested parties to view our EPP Newsletter via the Internet at This link will open in a new windowhttp://www.fstb.gov.hk/tb/.
If you would like to receive a hard copy of future issues of the EPP Newsletter or communicate with us on the implementation of EPP, please write to us at info@fstb.gov.hk