Monitoring of Performance
We have a duty to ensure that there will be no deterioration in the quality of public service as a result of the implementation of EPP. We welcome the public to monitor how well we discharge this duty.
All Controlling officers have provided performance targets and indicators in the Controlling Officers' Reports in the 1999-2000 Estimates. In total, about 880 targets and close to 2 000 indicators are enumerated in these reports. Despite general increases in workload against the productivity drive and the limited availability of new resources, many departments have pledged to improve their services by raising the performance targets in certain aspects of their work.
We have published an EPP Newsletter to report progress on implementation on EPP and to share experience amongst all in the public sector in our drive for higher productivity. If you are interested in receiving future issues (the Newsletter will be published at intervals of three to four months), please write to us -
 Postal Address |
Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau (The Treasury Branch) 24/F, Central Government Offices 2 Tim Mei Avenue Tamar, Hong Kong (Attn : EPP Newsletter team)
 Fax |
2801 4023 (Attn : EPP Newsletter team)
 Email |