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Free Trade Agreement Between Hong Kong, China and Australia

Hong Kong and Australia signed the Free Trade Agreement between Hong Kong, China and Australia ("HKC/AU FTA") on 26 March 2019. The HKC/AU FTA, which entered into force on 17 January 2020, encompasses trade in goods and services, investment and other related areas, including government procurement. Chapter 13 of the HKC/AU FTA sets out Hong Kong, China's commitments on government procurement which are generally consistent with those under WTO GPA. It applies to procurements by government bureaux and departments of Hong Kong, China for contracts of a value of not less than –

  • 130,000 SDR for procurement of goods and services other than construction services*
  • 5,000,000 SDR for construction services

* “Services other than construction services” means those services specified in Section E for Hong Kong, China in Annex 13-A to Chapter 13 of the HKC/AU FTA.

Text of the Agreement