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Responsibilities of R1 Division

  • Policy responsibility for local taxation and related legislation
  • Formulation of budgetary revenue proposals
  • Housekeeping of –
    • Inland Revenue Department (IRD)
    • Rating and Valuation Department (RVD) (in respect of “Rating” and “Valuation and Information Services”)
    • Customs & Excise Department (C&ED) (in respect of “Control & Enforcement” and “Revenue Protection”)
    • Civil Aviation Department (CAD) (in respect of “Airport Passenger Departure Tax Collection”)
    • Transport Department (TD) (in respect of “Personalised Vehicle Registration Marks Scheme” and “First Registration Tax”)
  • Overseeing stamp duty and land premium from revenue perspective
  • Formulation of financial policy in respect of revenue and the preparation of Estimates for the following Revenue Heads
    • Head 1 - Duties
    • Head 2 - General Rates
    • Head 3 - Internal Revenue
    • Head 4 - Motor Vehicle Taxes
    • Head 5 - Fines, Forfeitures and Penalties
    • Head 6 - Royalties and Concessions
    • Head 7 - Properties and Investments
    • Head 9 - Loans, Reimbursements, Contributions and Other Receipts
  • Provision of administrative support to Board of Review (Inland Revenue Ordinance)