Consultation Paper - Review of CRPLP: Submissions received
Written Submissions Received (listed according to number of strokes of Chinese characters and alphabetical order.)
Submissions from Organizations
- This link will open in a new window香港工會聯合會
- This link will open in a new window香港工業總會
- This link will open in a new window香港中小型企業聯合會
- This link will open in a new window香港中華廠商聯合會
- This link will open in a new window香港中華總商會
- This link will open in a new window香港職工會聯盟
- This link will open in a new window破產欠薪保障基金委員會
- This link will open in a new window港九勞工社團聯會
- This link will open in a new windowAllen & Overy
- This link will open in a new windowAssociation of Chartered Certified Accountants, Hong Kong, The
- This link will open in a new windowAustralasian Compliance Institute
- This link will open in a new windowBorrelli Walsh Limited
- This link will open in a new windowBritish Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong, The
- This link will open in a new windowCanadian Certified General Accountants Association of Hong Kong
- This link will open in a new windowCCIF Corporate Advisory Services Limited
- This link will open in a new windowChartered Institute of Management Accountants
- This link will open in a new windowCheung Kong (Holdings) Limited
- This link will open in a new windowCITIC Ka Wah Bank Limited
- This link will open in a new windowConsumer Council
- This link will open in a new windowCPA Australia Limited
- This link will open in a new windowDBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited
- This link will open in a new windowDeloitte Touche Tohmatsu
- This link will open in a new windowEmployers' Federation of Hong Kong
- This link will open in a new windowFerrier Hodgson Limited
- This link will open in a new windowGall & Lane Dispute Resolution Lawyers Hong Kong
- This link will open in a new windowGrant Thornton
- This link will open in a new windowHong Kong Association of Banks, The
- This link will open in a new windowHong Kong Association of Restricted Licence Banks
and Deposit-taking Companies, The
- This link will open in a new windowHong Kong Bar Association
- This link will open in a new windowHong Kong Federation of Insurers, The
- This link will open in a new windowHong Kong General Chamber of Commerce
- This link will open in a new windowHong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants
- This link will open in a new windowHong Kong Institute of Chartered Secretaries, The
- This link will open in a new windowHong Kong Institute of Directors, The
- This link will open in a new windowHong Kong Securities Association
- This link will open in a new windowHong Kong Trustees' Association Ltd.
- This link will open in a new windowInstitute of Accountants in Management, The
- This link will open in a new windowInternational Swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc.
- This link will open in a new windowK K Yeung Management Consultants Limited
- This link will open in a new windowLabour Advisory Board
- This link will open in a new windowLaw Society of Hong Kong, The
- This link will open in a new windowLinklaters (on behalf of CLS Bank International)
- This link will open in a new windowMandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority
- This link will open in a new windowMazars CPA Limited
- This link will open in a new windowPricewaterhouseCoopers
- This link will open in a new windowReal Estate Developers Association of Hong Kong, The
- This link will open in a new windowSociety of Chinese Accountants & Auditors, The
- This link will open in a new windowSTEP Hong Kong Limited
- This link will open in a new windowSwire Properties Limited
Submissions from Individuals (listed according to alphabetical order of English surnames)