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Information for People of Different Races - English

    The Financial Services Branch aims to maintain and enhance Hong Kong’s status as a major international financial centre; maintain the integrity and stability of the financial system of Hong Kong; ensure orderly and efficient operation as well as prudent and appropriate regulation of the financial markets; and provide a business environment which is open, fair and conducive to financial market developments.
    Where applicable, measures shall be taken to cater for the service needs of people of diverse race. The Financial Services Branch shall also continue to ensure that the provision of services to the public is in compliance with the Race Discrimination Ordinance (Cap. 602).
    Services Concerned
  • Formulating policies and introducing legislative proposals under the policy areas of the Financial Services Branch; overseeing the relevant departments and regulatory authorities; co-ordinating and facilitating the implementation of new initiatives on financial infrastructure to enhance Hong Kong’s competitiveness; and facilitating market innovation to deepen and broaden the market.

Existing and Planned Measures (PDF)

Statistics on Interpretation and Translation Services Arrangement (PDF)